Dancing With The Wind…Then Settling to Create
Mallegni, Jacqueline,. Currents.
(Kozo fiber, indigo, 36 × 19 × 4 inches)
Upcoming Spring Workshop at Willow Pond, May 29-June 1, 2025 with Jacqueline Mallegni
In a time oversaturated with consumption, anxiety, gloom, and a rapidly shifting climate, many artists seek answers through centuries of wisdom and within nature’s original design. Over decades Jacqueline Mallegni has contributed as a prolific fiber artist and teacher while studying organic form. Intrigued by the innate structures, concepts, and natural materials such as plant-based inks, rattan, cast flax, and silk fibers. These elements are each sacred and connect us to simplicity, to clarity.
“My art is deeply rooted in the transformation of natural materials into three-dimensional sculpture.”
Jacqueline Mallegni often writes about what inspires her to create. Through formative periods of grief, difficult beginnings, and rebuilding a sense of place, she is an observer of her environment. She is inspired by wild landscapes, seasonal changes, and the interrelationship between people and the planet.
“As a papermaker and fiber artist since 1989, I work with concepts of the open vessel form, cocoons, grief, loss, renewal, plane and form, shadow and light as found in the natural world. Perspective relative to the interrelationship between inside and outside is especially evocative”
You van view more of Jacqueline’s work here Jacqueline Mallengni
Jacqueline will be running a 4-day workshop here at Willow Pond SLO from May 29 -June 1st called “SENSING PLACE THROUGH FIBER PAPER COLLAGE” and filling quickly and just a few spots remain in her workshop.
Studio participants will each be provided a foraging bag and clippers for collecting inclusions from surrounding areas. Artists of all skill levels will have the opportunity to commune with the wild landscape of Willow Pond as they work on projects using found mixed media materials and bring personal collections of decorative paper, photos, monoprints, and special fibers.