Coyotes, Camaraderie & Limrite UNlimited

Expressive Figure Workshop at Willow Pond SLO with David Limrite, October 2024

Bold Strokes & Innovative Movement

When the goal of a workshop is to strike a balance between structure and accident; to court restraint, and explore recklessness while being deliberate, David Limrite is the artist for the job. Limrite uses emotional content to give his figures power and intensity, underscoring their emotion through passionate handling of materials which animates the figures and suggests energy between the forms.

With expressive figure drawing the stage was already set for instinctive natural form and Limirite’s calm charisma and wealth of knowledge invited students to break from realism to bold strokes and innovative movement while listening to Ethiopian hip hop. On day two shortly after breakfast, a handsome coyote in search of a chicken lunch came down the grassy grade and peered through lofty studio windows at the artists arranging their palettes.

The communal atmosphere at Willow Pond always prevails when enjoying excellent food and great company. Artists are surrounded by literal flora and fauna and we were graced with two generous models full of life, laughter and fun. On her break, one model decided to throw on a robe and chase every last hen into their coop before the coyote could beat her to it.

David Limrite’s current work continues an investigation of the struggle for understanding and ultimate acceptance of complex emotional issues. Using primarily graphite, charcoal, acrylic and collage, his work combines virtuoso drawing with cathartic expressionism. In the workshop, he channeled this rich expertise to demonstrate his methods and various mediums. What a blast!

About the Artist

David Limrite’s studio and home are in Atascadero, California, on the central coast. He taught drawing and painting at Art Center College of Design for 12 years and at the Brentwood Art Center for 23 years where he was also the Director of Education for 7 years.


Around the table, Lunch at Willow pond


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